The Dome, 2009
In the single-channel video projection, I explore an
ambivalent inner architecture through the eye of the camera.
I wander around almost empty space, undertaking an
existentialist search that seems to discover nothing else
but my own shadow and occasionally the scattered dusty coat
of arms of a once existing state. The space however has a
seductive character that is embodied in indifferent
structure that disguises its monumental exterior and its
most striking feature - the dome. Yet, the dome belongs to
the Parliament building that was built in the early
beginnings of the 20th century. Its construction started
when merely the notion of Yugoslav state existed but later
on it served to 4 different countries that carried on the
idea of Yugoslavia. The idea of utopian state remained in
the 20th century, while its insignia were left in the dome.
excerpt from a 10' min. video